Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker Lilypie 2nd Birthday TickerLilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Had to post this!

Of course this is Aleeza on the left when is was about 8 weeks old and here is her new cousin Adryianna sporting her peace sign. I thought this was cute.. two cousins being cool!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

How many bows?

how many bows can Aleeza wear at one time? well she is really into them right now.. but I try to limit it to just one...

We have all been doing well.. really busy. I am still sorting throgh the buisness stuff and organizing. I finally feel like I am getting there. It has been a long three weeks but I am pulling it all together. We are looking forward to the International builders show in Florida in two weeks. That should be fun and relaxing. Brandon needs a break! :) So do I :)
We had a fun time at Nana and Paw Paws on Saturday night. Mom did a combined birthday for dad and I and that was really fun. Dad turns 60 on Sunday.:) well, that is about all for now. Just staying busy and still trying to sell the house. We have had many lookers.. helps me keep the house clean. Hope everyone is well.

Our new neice

This is our new neice Adriyanna. Congrats to Jared and Selena!
Looks just like her daddy!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

We are having another girl!

Well yesterday confirmed that we are having another little girl. We are very excited about how close they will be in age and hopefully be good friends... :) everything looked perfect and right on schedule. Thank you for all your prayers. We will keep you updated on a name and so on.