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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Here are some pictures of the local people. As you can see from the pictures the land there is very beautiful but extremely hard on the people. They age very quickly there.
Here is Matt Crain teaching his Sunday School lesson in the school house.

Brandon is ready to go to war.

The kids love to have their pictures made. They are so adorable.
Brandon made this treasure box for this little boy there. He has cerebral palsy. Brandon has realy heart for these people and their need of the Savior.
Here is his "best friend" Samuel. He met him last time when he was there three years ago. Samuel has really changed a lot. He is all grown up now.

Brandon playing jacks with the kids.

And of course the babies.... so cute.

Here are some of the huts/ houses the people live in. Check out their view!!!! Amazing.

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