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Thursday, June 29, 2006

Busy, Busy, Busy

Today was a very busy day. There was lots to be done around the house. I try to keep it "spic and span' everyday not knowing when someone might want to come in and see it. That is hard with a one year old. Today my chore was to scrub the baseboards.... yeah!!! I managed to get them all almost spotless. I actually had quite fun, Aleeza tried to help but ended up getting dirty water all over the floor... oh well, she had fun and that is all that matters.
During her nap, I decided to mow the lawn. Brandon has been so busy lately so I got out there and did it. It really doesn't take much time and looks tons better. Since our hard rain the grass grew so fast! Thankfully there was a nice breeze.
Brandon came home later tonight. They are working hard to finish the house up at Lake Hartwell by August. Things are coming right along. They are getting ready to do the roof. The Lord has given his guys and him much strength to work hard and quickly. Since daddy was coming home late Aleeza and I headed off to the mall just to get out of the house. We ate supper at Chic Fil A, Aleeza's favorite new place to eat and just did a little shopping. She loves to ride in her stroller. Her latest thing is yelling really loud and waving at people and especially children. She just loves kids. I bought her a cookie and needless to say it was chocolate chip and well it got all over her, and of course this is the one time I didn't bring the wet wipes. Oh well, she looked like a little rag muffin but it was so cute and yet again she had so much fun chowing down on the cookie. Well, daddy is home now so we are going to relax. He has had a long day and is very tired. Hope everyone is well!!

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