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Wednesday, July 05, 2006

A wonderful Fourth of July!

Every year we go up to my Uncle Doyles' in Kings mountain, NC where we celebrate the 4th! This year was quite fun with Aleeza being a tad bit older than last. Last year she was about 6 weeks old when we went. I think she had more fun this year. :) Aleeza loves watermelon and so Brandon just let her dig in. It was so cute. She wouldn't touch the watermelon she just put her face into it and bit off a piece. She almost ate the whole slice.

Every year on the way up we stop and get some fireworks. The "boys" Dad and Brandon load up. Well Brandon loads up a little more. He is still a kid at heart. After eating a big meal and relaxing and then eating some more Kingsmountain starts their fabulous fireworks show. Last year they messed it up and did the grand finale first. Well, this year they made up for it. The show was wonderful. They had smily faces and hearts that they shot up. It was really neat.
Brandon enjoyed his time with fireworks. What is the saying?? Like father like son in law?? That is Dad on the left and Brandon on the right!They both had fun doing this. Pretty much the eventually got sick of it though and ended up giving the rest of the fireworks away.

The men and some of the kids also enjoy a time of horseshoes. This game is a tradition.

Fun time with Grandma. Thank you Aunt Bonnie for my outfit. It was so cute on her. Needless to say after playing in the grass, eating watermelon and crawling on the pavement it needs to be washed probably twice!!

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