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Monday, August 14, 2006

Aleeza's new table and chairs

As many of you know last weekend was one of the many big consignment sales around here. I arrived an hour early only to be greeted by about 100 women who had arrived 2 hours early. Oh well, I was after one think and that was a table and two pink chairs. When the door opened I ran ok not literally but was a fast walk to the toy room and got the table and chairs. Well, the lady behind me in line had been telling me she had come to get two things and only two things. Well, she didn't say what they were. Later I saw her and asked her if she had gotten her two things and she said that the dress she liked for her daughter was too big and the table and two pink chairs were gone....oooppss... :) what do you say... I said nothing. :0 Well, anyway Aleeza has really been enjoying her new table. I will find her in her room just sitting there looking through books or playing with her blocks. She has really enjoyed this so far!

1 comment:

Mom25Munchkins said...

Good for you!:) She who shops fastest gets the mostest!:)