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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Olivia Kate Abbott

Olivia Kate Abbott was born May 19 at 9:33. The story a bit long.... I went into labor Friday night around 7. Around 2:00 on Saturday morning I told Brandon it was time. We drove to the hospital and my worst nightmare came true. "sorry Mrs. Abbott you are only at a 1" NO... but Olivia's heart rate kept dropping when I would have a contraction so due to the fact I had already had a c-section and my labor pains were getting rough, water broke they kept me. Well, to make a long day for me short, I was in labor all day Saturday. Same story as Aleeza, apparently my body will only dialate to around 5 and then stop. I sat at a 5 for about 7 hours and my contractions started giving up. So around 8:30 Brandon, I and the doctor decided to go ahead with the c-section. The Lord knew our hearts but for some reason it was just not meant to be. Within an hour we had a beautiful baby girl. My two request all along had been no c-section and that I would be able to nurse. Well, she is what I would consider the perfect nurser and perfect baby. Thank the Lord for doctors and for the wisdom in making these descions. I am very thankful for a very healthy baby and for a loving husband who stood by me for close to 24 hours and for my parents who were in and out during those 24 hours and who kept Aleeza for us. Also thanks to our wonderful cousins the Bundy girls who jumped right in on Saturday evening so mom and dad could come to the hospital... now what everyone wants.. pictures.. :)


Mom25Munchkins said...

I'm sorry you didn't have the birth experience that you wanted but you are right in rejoicing in your healthy baby girl! Congratulations!!! I hope you are all healed up quickly.
Love ya,

The Abbotts said...

olivia is absolutely gorgeous...especially for a newborn!! i'm so happy things are going well...we all look forward to *hopefully* meeting her soon!

Unknown said...

I'm so happy for you guys!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for praying for us. We go in for more tests tomorrow to see if we should keep waiting or "go ahead...." Will keep you posted!
Much love,
Sarah for the Pabodys